Start of 6th week: This is a fun one.
Phew, my midsems just got over. It's been a rollercoaster ride to be honest. Can you believe it, I was studying till very late for my last midsem, thinking last midsem should go with a bang!
Well to be fair it indeed did!
I slept till 10:20 AM and reacher hall at :40.
My exam starts at 10AM. What more I have to say.. not regretting the past..
I moved on to working ahead on GSOC application thinking of ways I could optimize and what should I choose. Something else caught my attention.
Mastadon! It's an open source twitter like microblogging platform for the decentralised web. I immediately thought our college should have something like this! Then, I went on to tinker with it and deploy it on my rasberry pi and then used github developer pack's benefit to get a domain: and used 200 dollars free credits in Digital Ocean to quickly deploy a ubuntu machine and setup everything. After 3 days of constant battle, I was able to setup it working properly.
There was still some bugs to fix, but the platform was up and running. I felt a bit proud. I went on to talk to the IT head of my college about shifting to official channels. I have collaborated with him on other projects too. But he showed my how this is not exactly a good idea. After much thought and discussions we concluded to shut it down.
Still I learned a lot and it was fun.
Moving on to the GSOC part, I am reading one awesome paper written by my mentor on Fourier Analysis which is the backbone of this software. It's quite cool and I am enjoying it.
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